Few things before i get started.
price: $129.99
capacity: 50 rounds
C02 usage per (1 c02): 2 mags (bursts) 3 mags (single fire wait 3 seconds)
1 1/2 mags (full spray)
Fps: 350 +,- 13 fps (0.2) 400fps ish (.12)
-accurate for its size
-dual wield easily
-sights actualy work!
-big magazine
-bang for your buck!
-blow back
-realistic size 1:1 scale
-realoading feels like the real deal
-plastic (clear)
-mag wobbles
-sling mount is anyoing (on that later)
- wastes c02 like winnie the pooh and honey
-seletor switch doesn't click (feels cheap)
-holding it like a pistol is uncomfy for big hands you have to hold it a certain way
staring with what comes with the gun it comes with
-a paper of basic operations
- 1 50 round magazine
- loading tool and hard straw
- the gun (of course)
The gun is clear plastic all exept for the grip, cocking lever, outer barrel, clip mount, mag, sights and saftey switch.
the only metal parts are
-trigger (not sure)
-end sight
-selecter switch
-sling mount
-mag release
-hard to use sights (hard on the eyes) unless you do a tiny mod (will explain)
the gun is very sturdy overall exept the magazine wobbles aprox 2mm forward
none at all side to side and about 5mm up/down. Though thats kind of noticeable when not playing. Shaking the gun the mag moving is hard to notice.
Very light gun without mag (weight of a empty glass) the mag alone weights about 2 cans of pop, not coke pepsi.
the compact size of the gun is incredible for its power. its length is about the size of your wrist to the middle finger.
the sight system consists of a tiny peep hole with the classic mac 11 sights though the half circle cocking lever. When shooting the lever does not get in the way of ur aiming due to blow back. the sights are also hard to use in dim light but this mod may make it easyer. get the most brightest sharpie at your desposal mine is silver. Carefully coular the line of the sight. Doing that makes aiming more easy on the eyes. You can also use a bright sharpie to make a circle around the peep hole so your eyes can adjust more easyily
The blow back system gives a nice tiny kick, enough to say damn! Its very loud wich may be good or bad
to load the gun you must insert the c02, put mag in the gun. Pull back the cocking lever (very fun makes a nice noise). unleash saftey and shoot!
taking the gun out of saftey is kind of a pain seeing as you cannot use the finger thats on the trigger but having to use your other hand to switch it off and on.
performance wise this gun really dose do wonders especialy against stock aeg's making it an exellent side arm.
its affective range hitting a man size target without cover is about 80ft. if the target is under cover say like a tree you can hit something the size or a ruler sticking out within your next few shots *I tried it!*
using 0.12 the bb's shoot very hard and fast straight for 50 ft and quickly curve downward. Though i woudn't reccomend 0.12's it might prove useful using the glow in the dark 0.12's in very tight close quarters combat area's mostly buildings.
I never used any ammo heavyer than 0.2's so if someone has this gun and compare it with heaver ammo that would be great.
If you haven't noticed by now this gun is very very accurate at its affective range. not using the sights and eye aiming you can still easily hit a tree with every bullet at 80ft. using the sights it nearly doubles in accuracy, every bb stayed where the line was or within the half circle before the line sight.
if your new and want a nice starter gun i highly reccomend it because its near low maintnence and performance.
I aquired this gun at cabellas and i must say there shipping wasn't on time. Ording the gun on the 3rd it came to my door today (april 22) if your ordering from them i would reccomend xpress shipping (it pays for itself) and if your like me i would rather pony up the extra 10ish$ to get it within 2 days then waiting about 12+ bussness days.
If i missed anything or something post something and ill gladfully answer it
p.s-my anti flame suite is on!!