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Old April 17th, 2009, 14:46   #9
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Budapest; Hungary


Something about FPS; range depends more on the barrel and hop-up than the fps. One of my friends with a stock CA M4CQB-R (about 280-290 fps) with a good barrel and hop-up shoots for about 50 meters (plus he realize hits )
Many time I see people with "chinese wonders", upgraded to 450-460 fps - and accurate for only 20-25 meters...

For the BB; the heavier bb is more good for the stability outdoors; for sniper jobs, I use a CA M24, usually with Maruzen APS Super Grand Master 0.29g BB, and I'm very satisfied with it, Madbull 0.40 BB (green color) is also very good (but a bit heavy )

I highly recommend H-Hop Up Spacer too.

Best regards;

Viper AS Team; Hungary
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