Airsoft can be done well for a grand. Thats gun, battery, and gear. You just have to know where to look. (Specifically, the classifieds)
Goggles dont have to be expensive to be safe. A pair of JT PB goggles will do fine for your first few seasons.
Buy a common gun which takes a large battery: mp5, m16, AK
Order mags and (maybe battery) from UN company or something similar.
Use a friend's charger.
Look to ebay or a local retailer for some woodland camo. Can definetly get pants, jacket, maybe hat (real stuff) for $100.
Buy boots season #2 if money is tight. If you can handle running around in the bush with other footwear than why stretch the budget? If you have ankle issues,though, well buy accordingly.
BDUs: $100
Battery and mags: $150
goggles: $50
Rig: $150 to $200
Originally Posted by femina
Okay, I recently went to art show. One of exhibit had huge panoramic canvas pictures of landscape photos taken with a digital camera. These pictures were nice and huge. The canvas was attached to a wooden stretcher frame for direct hanging on a wall without need for a frame. Do you know any more on this subject? Where can I go for additional information on this subject?