Thread: Starter gun?
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Old April 7th, 2009, 14:52   #11
Trapper1's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Stony mountain, MB
Depends on your play style really, personally i would go with a good red dot sight first of all. Internally, a better spring and a tightbore barrel would help out quite a bit with range (especially if you are playing outdoors). I would get metal bushings installed and have the mechbox re-shimmed, (but leave this to a gun doc if you've never opened a gun or don't have someone to teach you).

Other than that, tac-lights, lasers, slings and all that other tacticool goodness. Oh and maybe a get a digital charger, wall chargers are shit,

Good luck
Travis R. (aka Trapper)
Canadian Airsoft Marines. Field owner
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