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Old March 17th, 2009, 16:00   #43
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Location: Waterloo-Toronto-Ottawa
It's okay I guess the posts weren't too degrading...

Hm, I've been doing some calculations recently, and yes, haha if you get a systema drop in anything, M120 torque, M150 trubo...
It's always cheaper by the box, but then again, even cheaper by the gun haha

the more you buy the more you save
Thing is tho, my main point in this current build is the gears. Prometheus all helicals... Which is 115 cad w/o shipping.
One option... would be systema M150 ultra torque with systema helicals for abit more money... Then I would only have to change the spring, but thing is, I would rather be on the lowest grade of torque gears cuz I"m running a M120 and I don't want to severly over torque. But also, the gear ration from double torque to ultra toruqe is only acutlay 4 more... which will reduce by very little rate of fire, but thing is these builds might work the other way around and plus i have no experince, it might end up goin the other way and increasing rof, which isn't all that bad of a thing but it' snot doing what it's supposed to do and I have worries on that.

And I every much would like to try the revolutions too haha. Apparently they're pretty mcuh already factory adjusted for AOE and pre engagement. Pretty sick... but their ECU isn't as user firendly and modular as if you were to get your own. But 4 gears, no anti reversal, no tappet...

btw revolutions might not save you time haha. I've heard of multiple pisons snapping on the first tooth and the people have gotten many replacements... so maybe some guntechs are a little on the incompetent side at systema? lol...
Thus would require you to pretty much do some fiddling again.
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