I was just checking on the status of my rpal on the cfc website and stumbled onto http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/factsheets/default_e.asp
now the guys who've been around here a while know this I'm sure but as I read through the link for replica's and airguns, it states that replica airsoft is legal to own if you were in possession prior to 98 however you aren't aloud to acquire or import.
is this the loophole? I know it's n00b
Jake Hoyt: What's "wet"?
Alonzo Harris: Butt-naked. Ill. Sherms. Dust. PCP. Primos. P-Dog. That's what you had. That's what you were smoking, you couldn't taste it?
Last edited by spl01t77; March 17th, 2009 at 17:23..