Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
the technician saw what appeared to be a loaded handgun sitting on a shelf in the guy's apartment. He was justified to make the call to police and the police response was justified.
Bull. Sorry man but that's a load of crap.
That guy had no business calling anyone because he saw what he "thought" was a firearm.
Even if it was a real firearm, it's none of his business. There is nothing stopping a legal owner from having a loaded firearm in residence.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
This is why you must responsibly store and handle your AS guns.. all the time. Anyone seeing you through your window "fiddling" with your M4 or polishing your glock slide could misidentify these articles as guns and call police. then you very well could end up searched and it all seized.
Again, I gotta call bullshit man.
I clean all my firearms on my FRONT DECK in the summer time. Sometime after having guests to the range there are 3 or 4 of us out there cleaning away.
I'm on my property, abiding by the law. My neighbors are aware of what I do, because I let them know in person with a chat.
But to say I can't clean my guns on my front deck because someone might drive or jog by and see "and evil firearm" and call the COPS?
Let them call. I look forward to having a conversation with the local COPS about what I can do on my own property.