Originally Posted by ILLusion
but i actually read that 2 times before posting this. A lot of the questions I have are basically build up of his questions, not many of my questions are actually covered by that guide.
I've been looking on airsoftmechanics.com now and I've gotten lots of answers =]
Also they have a great piston review, about 15 pistons reviewd with a M140 and M150 for 1k rounds. In their tests without the 2nd tooth removed on the prometheus hard, it actually did the worst... by far... haha
Makes you think twice.
I think it maybe some inconsistencies in the test becuase the systema and prometheus polycarbs were tested last and the results got exponentially worse. (I'm thinking other failures leading to piston failure and not the other way around) This is because they did a Guarder polycarb piston as the 3rd test and it worked out flawlessly. They're gonna run the same pistons another 1k rounds soon again. I lookforward to seeing it haha.