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Old March 13th, 2009, 16:34   #9
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Hm, if you were to compare the taper KM ones to a systema n-b electroylezed ones, which one would have less friction?
The KM ones *feel* slicker... whether it actually is or not, I have no quantitative proof. They just felt slicker to me, which is why I chose them. Plus the lack of a port really made the transition from open seal to closed seal much smoother in my mind.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Hm... I guess I will be getting helical gears then. Juggz has some hurricane ones. But I hear everyone says SYSTEMA HELICAL, never hurricane lol. In terms of sound and durability, how do these two compare, if you know?
Systema is better than Hurricane. Prometheus is better than Systema. I almost always use Prometheus gears in my own guns.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
I guess these really don't matter to me... I guess any reinforced one will do. How about the CNC ones, will they be a lot stronger then say a G&P reinforced gearbox shell?
It should be stronger, as they are machined from a billet of 7075 aluminum, rather than die-cast from a zinc-aluminum alloy. Die cast metals tend to be much weaker due to the porous nature of the compound, which is why they break all the time. But honestly, at the velocity you're shooting, you shouldn't even have to be concerned with this . You can get by just fine with even a Tokyo Marui gearbox. And if you're that concerned with durability, all you need is sorbo or a silent head set. Again, top end protection is provided by the Angel Silent Head Sets. Note: If you use ANY type of die cast gearbox with a metal piston head, it doesn't matter what spring you use, you could be using a bone stock Tokyo Marui spring shooting 270fps, but if you keep shooting that metal piston head through that gearbox, you WILL break it, especially if you do lots of dry firing in cold weather.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Hm... Alright. If you were to compare polycarb and POM, which one would be better? haha. How about if one last tooth is reinforced? Would that kill the gears at all? Plus I heard those half teeth(not half reinforced) are for helical gears, but then some other ppl say it's for hi torque... I'm pretty confused.
From full out metal teeth, to half, 3 and 1, which do you think is best for around 400 fps?
In that note, I guess I would really like a metal piston with polycarb teeth LOL! haha if only it existed
Also, I heard somewhere the RED systema pistons have badly placed teeth or something? I know on ehobby asia has a cylinder set with silent cylinder and piston head set and red piston >>
But again, I don't wanan kill the striking sound, if that's waht it does :P
"POM" is a resin material, more commonly known in the US as Delrin. Some pistons are also sold under POM/Delrin's other name: Polyacetal or acetal resin. The material features the properties of light weight, low-friction and wear-resistance while being capable of operating in high temperatures.
Polycarbonates are good against extreme temperatures, impact resistance, etc.
It's hard to compare the two materials on their own, as it also depends on how the final product is engineered. I've noticed POM seems to be a bit better against wear than polycarbonates.
I would put the Prometheus piston near the very top of the list of best pistons to get. I haven't used anything that I like better, yet.

No, your gears would not be killed if one last tooth is reinforced. I don't see why it would. The Prometheus piston's last SEVEN teeth are steel.

Don't worry about half tooth pistons. You don't need it. They are reserved only for ultra high torque gear sets. Nobody in their right mind would build a skirmishing gun in Canada that would require that type of a gear set.

Forget steel tooth count. Just get a good piston. Prometheus. End of story. The Modify one looks good too, but I haven't tried it yet.

Wherever you read that the Systema red pistons have badly placed teeth must have been information at least 7 years old. Systema changed the tooth placement 6 years ago. Most people continue to screw up their pistons due to poor choices in parts mixing. You just read more bad press about Systema because more of them were sold across the world than any other brand, as they are the known "de-facto" standard. They have a reputation to be good and the originators of consistent quality AEG upgrade components. People expect them to be invincible, but they're not. Especially if you have poor parts mixing. I have a 7 year old red Systema piston, well over 30k rounds through it and it barely shows any wear. And guess what? It's even one of the "badly placed teeth" ones. Truth is, it was purposely put in that position for a reason. Problem was, people were mixing improper parts and kept destroying their setup. So many people kept screwing it up that Systema finally changed the final tooth placement to standard specification which reduced a lot of "problems." When Systema had originally engineered their products, it was with the intention that they were only to be installed by Systema-trained technicians who actually KNEW what they were doing. But as it turns out, the market doesn't work that way, so Systema started to change things to meet the masses in the middle.

You'll find bad reviews of every single brand of piston in existance. You just have to consider the source and conditions behind the cause of failure. If you look hard enough, you'll find any type of review you want to support any opinion on any product you want.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Hm, thing is I really hate the zip sound, but I really don't mind the bam sound of the piston head striking the cylinder head. If I would want more of this sound, a metal one would be better right? But I know that you're supposed to stay away from metal piston heads for durability of gearbox. If I wanted to get louder striking sound, and persay it means to get a metal piston head, should I be worried about anything else's durability other than the piston head and cylinder head?
If you HAVE to use a metal piston head, I'd suggest keeping your gun to 350fps or less, unless you use a very high quality CNC machined gearbox. If you really want to go nuts, try and hunt down a Systema Hard Recoil Kit.
Durability worries are in your gearbox cracking. Not in the piston head breaking. If you continue shooting the guns with the gearbox cracked, you could also destroy your piston and possibly even your gears.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
plus you ahve those nice firefly buckings and rubbers, righ? =]
Like I told you before, those Firefly Hop Up rubbers I have in stock are for GBBs.

AEGs require different hop up rubbers. They'd have to be ordered in.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Oh... one last thing. I have a G&P M120 atm. I kinda wanna sell it and start ALL OVER, but then again I could just start with it. With the stuff I've kinda stated I want, do you think it's cheaper to start new or use current?
I'm selling for around 200 bux.
You're fine with just upgrading it as it is. Otherwise you're going to have to go on a hunt for all the other small parts, and with the minimal bit of experience you have, you're not going to know what to look for, and by the time you figure it out, order it, wait for it to come in, install it only to find out that there's something else you're missing, it'll take you half a year before you finish this project.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
And about the motor, I have a G&P m120 hi speed running the m120 gearbox around 23 rps. With the hi torque gears, would it turn the rps to around 15? Or should I just get a EG700, plus I like the sound of the EG700(least sound! )
RPS is dependent on many MANY conditions. Even the ambient room temperature and stored temperature of your battery affects output. You might as well be asking me how many shots you'll get out of your battery. Nobody can answer that. You'll just have to build it and find out for yourself, or acquire a bunch of motors and just TRY IT. YOU TELL US.

Spoon feeding over.

Last edited by ILLusion; March 15th, 2009 at 01:25..
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