Originally Posted by m102404
No need for a bore up kit in that setup....but watch your cylinder porting.
Hm, I've herad of the porting, not exactly sure. Is that the location of the hole cut into the cylinder?
Originally Posted by ILLusion
7) No need to match brands on cylinder and piston. Systema cylinder is a good baseline. Modify ones look okay, but I haven't tried them. Prometheus ones are expensive, but nice. Top of the line ones are KM TN taper cylinders, which are really nice, but expensive. They have minimal friction due to the lack of any porting on them, as well as KM's patented TN coating. No need to get bore up. It is not necessary for your application, just get the cylinder size appropriate for your length. (450 mm is close to an AK-47, which is 455mm). More expensive ones have ribs that act like a heat sink to dissipate heat built up through friction in ultra high ROF setups. Coated/plated cylinders last longer and are less prone to oxidation such as the standard brass ones. Although, a really expensive one versus a standard plain jane brass one will perform pretty much exactly the same in the beginning. However, as a brass cylinder ages, it will lose its luster and shine and the polished will become rough and scratchy. It will affect performance.
Ah, so if I'm gonna stick to max 20 rps, I doubt I'll need those coatings, eh? Maybe an alluminum one just so that it doens't oxidize?
Originally Posted by m102404
With AEGs...the "trigger lag" and ROF go hand in hand. With a quick trigger response (i.e. from when you complete the trigger pull to when it shoots) you'll end up with a high ROF.
Originally Posted by ILLusion
2) If you go ultra high torque, you're going to have low ROF unless you use very high voltage battery to counter the ROF reduction. If you have low ROF, then you will also have high trigger lag. Trigger lag is a function of how fast the gears rotate, so if your ROF is low, you're just going to have trigger lag. You can't have low trigger lag AND low ROF.
Do not like this concept... LOL
Originally Posted by m102404
the limiting factor is the stopper inside the stock tube. KA makes one that is "deeper"...but get in line, the next one is mine.
Hm... never heard of/seen these. I'll search it up. Haha, are you getting off of juggz?
Originally Posted by m102404
TM EG700 or 1000 will be fine. Guarder Infinite Torque Up are great for the price. G&P M120 are good. Systema Magnums are great but expensive. If I was scratch building I'd put a Guarder in it.
Originally Posted by ILLusion
17) You don't need high torque motor for your application. A standard Marui EG1000 is fine. If you hate the sewing machine *zip* sound, get good quality helical gears mated to large bearings. The motor won't help you much in that regard. I don't have any experience with Modify gear sets, so I can't say if their high torque models are helical or not.
So the zip sounds are comming from the transfer of energy between the gears and piston to sound energy? Not so much the motor?
Originally Posted by m102404
The Magpul MOE grip is very nice....it's not going to impact the noise level...the most noise will come from the motor pinion to gear setup/adjustment....and the rest of the gear set.
Hm... which type of gears reduce the most noise?
Originally Posted by m102404
You can control the motor speed with those mostfets....but as you slow it down your ROF will drop...but so will your trigger response.
fuck lol
Originally Posted by m102404
You can use the 3rd burst function of the mosfet to help with the full auto fire. It really does work and seems to prevent the insta-empty of a mag with a high ROF rifle.
Ya... that seems like one way to handle things, but it makes things quite complicated... I think I can probabaly control my fire rather than get 3 round burst. =S
Originally Posted by ILLusion
3) For your velocity, most mechbox shells are fine. Unless you're after some particular feature (such as quick spring swaps), then there's no need to get them. You'll be fine with the stock Tokyo Marui shell up to 380fps. Otherwise, the price goes up dramatically, especially if you get a Pro-Win. (note: I don't think Modify gears will fit in to a Pro-Win anyways)
Hm, then if I don't need the extra durability, is there any other factors in the mechboxes other than strength? And bearing/bushing sizes? And no, I won't be changing springs a lot...
Originally Posted by ILLusion
4) Yes, get a polycarbonate piston. DON'T get an aluminum piston. It's very rare to see aluminum pistons in use nowadays because of the numerous downsides they carry. Don't get a piston with aluminum teeth (do they even exist? I don't think they do.) Half the teeth being steel is fine. I like the Prometheus oness, I've never had a problem with them, but they are pricey.
Sorry, I meant to say titanium teeth...
I heard cuz it's harder than the gears, it will cause lots of wear...
Originally Posted by ILLusion
5) Piston heads: Get a synthetic one. No metal piston heads unless you have a gearbox that can handle it (Pro-Win.) I've personally always liked the Systema Silent Head Sets, as they're the most performance effective and overall most cost effective for combined damping power and performance. If you want the ULTIMATE damping power and truly silent performance, get an Angel silent head set. The damping performance of the Angel silent head set is miles ahead of any Sorbo or Systema solution.
Is it true for like systema silent heads you need to match cylinder head?
ALso, I'm not so caring about the sound of the like bam of the piston hitting the cylinder head. I just don't like that zip sound and am considering sorbo pads purely for durability. Unless, more zip sounds come from the piston/cylinder movment too?
Originally Posted by ILLusion
16) If your setup is at 330fps and you WON'T go any higher, then you would be better off with the Tanio Koba Twist barrel. If you go any higher than 330fps, then you'll have to stick with Prometheus. End of story.
Which flight would be relitively longer... 330 fps with tanio koba twist, or like close to 400 with prometheus? How about groupings... like does the twisting ball of air actually help it?
Cuz if they're pretty much the same, then I think I'd rather get taniokoba so taht in outdoor games I'll still have the same bb range, and indoor my fps will be low enough. XD
and... THANKS

DD!! a lot ~~~~