Originally Posted by m102404
WOW...lots of stuff there....
Short answer: Buy a G&P Complete M120 mechbox...reshim, swap spring. Swapping the piston is optional. (you can paint it pink if you need to  )
With AEGs...the "trigger lag" and ROF go hand in hand. With a quick trigger response (i.e. from when you complete the trigger pull to when it shoots) you'll end up with a high ROF.
Use a large 7.2 or 8.4 battery...that may give you what you're looking for.
ya took me quite some time to write that haha...
Hm... I'm kinda a tinkerer =] So I would very much like to build one of the BEST gearboxes from all different parts haha.
Damn... I really want little trigger lag and low rof haha. What about if I got one of those mosfets and control my rof? Would I still have low trigger lag?
Large batteries wont' really fit anywhere haha. I'm not a fan of peq boxes. I want a crt stock so I would really like it to fit in the buffer tube =] (lipo!) haha
thanks ~ =]