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Old March 11th, 2009, 11:07   #1
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Location: Waterloo-Toronto-Ottawa
Crazy Hi Torque Gearbox From Scratch

Making one of these worth it?

I have a few questions on brands of gearboxes and stuff: (and to make your life easier since I have sooooooooo many questions, I'll bold/underline important points I really want answered)

First off the shell. There's those CNC ones, reinforced blah blah blah... I'm so lost on this. I know you only need a really good quality gearbox to withstand higher tension springs, which I won't be using. I'll be using Modify s90 and s100 (330 fps, 365 fps, respectively). And I also want to use modify gear sets. I guess I would need reinforced for the SMOOTH ones, and normal for open gearboxes. I'll be getting high torque in hope of low trigger lag and not crazy rof.

On the same note, I want my rof to be about 11-16 rps max. (building m4, I want it to be kinda realistic, and not run out on real caps so fast).

So which gearbox would be a really nice one? Yes I would like a bit of kicks too =] I don't mind coloured ones liek the CNC one on ebaybanned or prowin blue ones. Thing is I dont' really trust ebaybanned anymore since it is HK after all. Unless someone really experienced knows the gearbox is really turst worthy, I don't think I'm gonna get it. ;P

Since I'm going to get modify gears, should I get poly pistons? I was told that metal gears and metal teeth = shavings. How about the reinforced ones with only first tooth alluminum? Or half the teeth metal? No idea waht would be good... And how about brands? I think most of my internals will end up to be modify, would it be safe to just stick with modify? But I want pretty high state of the art stuff, so maybe systema or prometheus? Unless it doesn't really make a difference...

Piston comes with a piston head. I'm for sure getting the bearings head ones, but I"m not sure if I should get ones with pre installed sorbo pads or just get the modify CNC aircraft metal one then buy a sorbo pad and install it on myself? Has anyone used either of them? I would think CNC metal with aircraft metal sounds pretty good haha...

Inside the piston is the spring, and itself is held by a spring guide. I'm thinking of getting the rotary bearing one from modify. Looks awesome! any objections? XD

Outside the piston is the cylinder. Does teflon make a difference? I'm guessing it would be pretty smart to match brands on cylinder and piston eh?
No, yes? I'm gonna be using this mechbox on a m4, with not the stock 363 carbine length, but more around 16-17" ( around 450 mm ) Because I wanna use the 16 " outer barrel and a really nice flashhider with the inner barrel almost flush to the end of the flashhider so you can see that nice prometheus chrome inside the flashhider =] Plus taht's also like a 45mm increase in inner barrel lenght, which will improve groupings a bit ( I heard it was around 50mm to get significant improvement).
Because of this around 90mm incrase in length, should I be worried about boreup?

For the piston head, I"m thinking of bearings again... lol How about the brand? I'm still edging towards modify unless someone puts in a good word for another one...

For the airnozzel i'm gonna get modify with o ring, I doubt there's much to be improved here... no? XD

Since bearings, shims are taken care of by modify with their amazing gears already, and even comes with anti reversal, it makes my life so much easier.
For the tappet plate, I heard it doesn't make much of a difference what u get, just wanna get higher durability? What's a really good tappet?
How about for selector plate. I know systema has a low res one. Would this help in trigger lag/half cranked pistons?

I guess cut off levers and saftey switch covers don't matter much. Have my mind on modify again.

How about those gear sector clips? Will it slow anythign down in the gearbox? Or just help in misfeeding...?

For the wiring and switch assembly, I'm pretty clueless. I think I saw somewhere that your awg/guage should be lower for lower resistance? Or should I just like a KA low resistance rear wired switch assmbly?

On that note, I'm looking to have a lipo in the stock buffer tube. Does this mean I should get a b type metal body? ( shorter prong on the end of the metal body at the back ) Because I doubt the wiring and the battery can both fit into a lot of the prong... ? I know a lot of ppl dont' ahve a lot experience with lipos :P But, If you were to have a 11.1v 2000mAH lipo and NiMH, the lipo would outlast the normal one right? How about for 7.4v ones? Becuase I want my battery to last, and don't really care about rof, but only about trigger response, should I get like 7.4 instead of 11.1? And no, I don't really mind fps... so that's tottal irrevelant for me.

And earlier I said I would use a prometheus barrel, because i've heard lots of good stuff about them. How about the tanio koba twist barrels? Somethign about a spiral of air around a backspinning bb... haha sounds so intense... Does it acutally make a difference in comparison to prometheus innerbarrel bb flight?

For motor... I guess I want a hi torque, cuz I don't want my motor speeidng up since I'm not gonna be spraying so much... I want it to just be on top of it's game on semi too. From EG700, CA/ICS motors, G&P, Systema (turbo!?!?!) Which is a good motor? I want a really silent one (less buzzing electric sounds plz... I REALLY hate that sound). I was told the Systema turbos will be too strong...? Also told TMs will be quietest motors...
Need some major help on this one :P

I'm currently thinking of a magpul pts miad full grip w.e thing... The motor plate for the magpul, is it heatsink/low noise? I have a G&P gun right now with a heatsink motor plate, and I nkow systema have low noise heatsinks...

Lol insanely long post of quetions~~~ Will be very grateful for answers =]
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