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Old March 6th, 2009, 16:05   #155
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after reading the entire article...

Although is may seem 'harsh', the man did do a number of 'shady' (for lack of a better word) business practices.

Like Aquamarine said, he never once sold a movie prop while operating as a movie prop store. He also was confronted by RCMP about his business that replicas were illegal to sell. After that confrontation he started requesting that redwolf (his distributor) up the velocity of his orders to above 407fps (below that defines a replica firearm). Although that would evade replicas definition, it would in turn violate another import law.

The article seems quite fair, and unbiased (save for the fact that they used the "we will show real guns aswell as airsoft guns to the court room to show there 'scary' realism" arguement.) I dont like how the article made many references to bb guns, pellet guns, and Canadian Tire, but never once, unless i missed something, about an incident with marui, g&g, ics, etc.

He got off lightly, relative to the possibilities he was facing.

Its unfortionate that a trusted airsoft dealer got into this mess, and i wish him the best during his sentence.
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