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Old March 6th, 2009, 16:04   #154
dirtdiver's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Ontario
As shitty as it may seem he was rather lucky considering he WAS guilty. Other than an absolute dicharge a conditional discharge was the best he could hope for. As for the conditions they are rather expected that he can not participate in or possess anything(Airsoft) related to what the charges stem from. The worst part IMO is the financial penalty which was quite heavy. On top of the thousands he already paod for legal representatipn. Now a conditional discharge will not stay on his record for life provided he abides by his conditions it will automatically be sealed 3 years after he's done serving the conditions of his sentence.

All that being said it still sucks and shows what a backwards justice system we have, where it is far easier to convict a good person rather than someone who cuts peoples heads of in a bus full of witnesses.

Good luck Will and this community is still behind you. Hope to talk to you in about 2 years.
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