Originally Posted by grimreefer
I am set on buying a serpa holster for my pistol. However I am trying to decide whether or not I should go for a leg rig or to put it on my pistol belt. The big factor for me is mobility. If the drop-leg is going to restrict my mobility in the least, I don't want it.
So my questions are:
-Will a serpa drop-leg reduce my mobility?
-Are they comfortable? Is it something that I am going to have to be constantly adjusting to feel right?
-What is the advantage of a drop-leg holster anyways? They look cool, but it seems easy enough to draw from the belt....
1.) Mobility
To some degree yes your mobility will be imparied, running, full sprint, but then again if your running a hefty 2nd line + 3rd line rig, um thats the last of your worries.
2.) Comforable
For all the shit people give for the SERPA mechanism, I think the best design was the Y-harness that divides the load by half, making one of the more comfortable subload/thigh setups I've worn which are the traditional one point design. I've always been tempted to modify a Safariland 6004 shroud with a dremel and adding the y-harness to the Safariland.
3.) Advantage of Thigh Holster
2nd line setups ussually conflict with drawing from the belt line, there are a few holsters that are attached to the belt but are offset a certain distance to clear the 2nd line, like the Bladetech WRS. Otherwise depending on the cant of the holster, it can be awkward or difficult while wearing gear. I don't like the thigh holster to run low, I tend to run it high as possible but not quite level with the hip, somewhere in between where I can keep my body square.
Again its all up to you, what your doing. For instance real-world wise, if I had to enter and exit vehicles constantly, I would prefer a belt holster opposed to thigh, perhaps even a cross-draw. Sometimes you don't have an option, people that conceal carry are limited, and as you've already read above, some people run a 2nd line with the holster on the chest so they are more mobile, and you can eat dirt faster/ or its more comfortable than compared to a thigh holster.