i stated the following iv seen them from theys prices never said brand new in box most of them were used but were in great condtion then iv seen total pacages go for the higer marks but mostly brand new one's run 17 here and i hope u know i was speaking of ptw's right. ppl get so pissy.
Originally Posted by dragwindsor
What's with all the jealous haters? Seriously.
I probably know pricing better than anybody here.
If AAAAANYONE can get AAAANYTHING that costs $1100 - $1300 USD for $1500 Can, let me know how, please.
If you want a GBB rifle, buy one.
Don't listen too people that don't have even one. Listen to owners.
These haters will obviously direct away. We won't.
Would you take advice on buying an airplane from someone who's never even been in one, or from a pilot?
I've handled more GBB rifles than anyone here on ASC, I have 2 Inokatsu's, and a WA here right now alone. I love them.
If worse comes to worse, use an AEG.
In the end, just make a choice FOR YOU. If you want it, get it.
Don't let inexperienced people make that decision for you.