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Old February 25th, 2009, 00:51   #52
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Location: Waterloo-Toronto-Ottawa
Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
Classic Airsoft guns are the only GAS guns that'll ever run effectively without cooldown, but even than it takes proper maintainance and care, unless you buy the DaytonaGun Custom with steel internals, than you're set.

But gas in the magazine will always have its cons, if you play indoors alot it'll work fine (if you can tune down the power) otherwise as everyone has said it's just a nice gun to play around with. Only way to solve the issue is CO2 magazines but CO2 Powerlets are expensive =/
the classic ones are those crazy ones with backpacks right? pretty much a paintballing gun LOL

Originally Posted by jesster202 View Post
also building most guns from the ground up will cost you about a k even for a aeg just because ur eatting the shipping cost's just in shipping for my coustom m4 all in total is was close to 300 bucks. but i also had everything shipped asap and to my door with in 3 to 5 days with coustoms time included so u get what u pay for in the end. but this whole gbb craze is new but their is a lot that needs to be imporved befour u should consider dropping close to 3 k for a decent set up with mags .ect and 2500 for a ptw i dont know were your looking but iv seen them here brand new in box for 1500 and challenger kits as low as 900! u only here about ppl blowing 2400 when they start pimping it out with all rs gear and shuch.
Well actually I did a lot of local pickups!

I paied 250 for my metal body, 225 for my gearbox, then I have the stock grip and heatsink motor plate, m120 high speed. G&G Folding stock, CA outer Barrel, G&P M4 S-System style flip sights, CA flash hider, and I'm gonna get a 551 replica, and the Daniel's defense MK18 7" RAS, probabaly an ofset flashlight mount G&P(costs 50! holy crap!!) lol and probabaly a crappy flashlight.

I've never seen those for 1.5k, or 900 O_O If you check like Kevorikan's Used PTW max pretty much stock with no add ons for 2.4 k man O_O
if you find a challenge kit for anything lower than 2k i'll love you forever!!!!~~
Originally Posted by stokes View Post
2400 is the approximate price landed here in Canada.
that's waht i've been seeing O_O how about challenge kits? I see lots of quebecers with those O_O

Originally Posted by jesster202 View Post
well check on the classifyeds seen them used for 1500 with ris and a few mags and battery to some brand new ones 1500 to 1700 and some compleat pacages for around just under the 2400 but thats with a lot of shit. then their is the time to time deals were u see them for a bit under that.

but this is a moot point this is for gass guns all though they rate uber epic on the cool factor they arnt viable here to game at this point until 3 things happen prices on mags fall and become cheeper a proper way to being it down to a gamable fps(allredy in the works but whom knows maby theirs a better system) and more time to see how long they last and what problems happen what one can expect and need to know.
I don't see much of ptw's for that price =S

ya... maybe i"ll get a ptw and wait like a few years until this new gbb fad is bigger than ppl expect and prices started plateuing =]
with higher quality parts

Last edited by Dragate; February 25th, 2009 at 00:53.. Reason: add on one more quote
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