well check on the classifyeds seen them used for 1500 with ris and a few mags and battery to some brand new ones 1500 to 1700 and some compleat pacages for around just under the 2400 but thats with a lot of shit. then their is the time to time deals were u see them for a bit under that.
but this is a moot point this is for gass guns all though they rate uber epic on the cool factor they arnt viable here to game at this point until 3 things happen prices on mags fall and become cheeper a proper way to being it down to a gamable fps(allredy in the works but whom knows maby theirs a better system) and more time to see how long they last and what problems happen what one can expect and need to know.
Last edited by jesster202; February 25th, 2009 at 00:49..