Definitely a gun you must use to see for yourself. As Illusion and others said, its hard to use a 1911 for CAPS and its true.
Some may find it better as the accuracy has a tighter grouping of a stock Hicapa BUT! I realized the Hicapa is better overall.
- As the Hicapa magazine you rarely have to worry about running out of gas
- Its easier to load the Hicapa magazine
- The Hicapa mags seem more sturdy to just chuck on the floor as you run the course as the MEU mags just look to nice to whip around
If anything I would highly suggest this gun for CQB though, reason being is that after a few games of use I barely noticed any burs to the slide and its great for shooting tight corners. While the Hicapa I noticed signs of use after gaming it hard after 3 games I started to see on the slide that the empty mag catch indent was wearing away, but that is due to the upgraded springs I assume.
Overall Battle experience Wise, it is very useful in CQB and found it to be very tight in cornering shots. Better grouping than the Hicapa and the MEU design was made to have more consistency in its shots.
Add on a PDI 6.01 and you have a nice sexy dot on dot beast
蕭- Pistolero Steve - 蕭