Xtreme tactics is the indoor facility in winnipeg, MOUT is geard towards MILSIM.
and the MAA has both a MILSIM aspect but hosts many more easy going games. as well as scrims every sunday (once the season starts, the scrims now depend on the weather) these are great for new guys to come out to, its a very easy going fun time, no need for alot of gear and equipment, you can show up with an AEG and jeans if you want, its been done befor
Originally Posted by White_knight
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.