Thread: Type 97 Query:
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Old February 16th, 2009, 03:08   #10
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Originally Posted by Luckyorwhat View Post
Wonder if mag changes can be mastered... It seems to have an AR magazine, mag well, and magazine release, but instead of using right index finger it's done with left hand; you have to hold two magazines and also push a button - funked up.

Type 97 reloading = slow: YouTube - Chinese Type 97A semi-auto bullpup

Type 95 reloading = quick: YouTube - Chinese PLA single-hand-for-95 rifle cartridges???95???????
Type 97 reloading = slow = NOT REALLY, i tried to compare M4, AK and 97 reloading the list below:
M4 reload around 2~2.2 Sec
AK reload around 2.4~2.5 Sec
97 reload around 2.6~2.5 Sec
btw i did a Fucked up way, hold two mags........

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