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Old February 10th, 2009, 23:14   #97
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Originally Posted by Alex_20 View Post
I can understand from a retailers point of view that it wont be profitable too you, but what the fuck lets just keep importing more loads of the same old shit and not make any progress. I hate this fucking bullshit, $1600 for a fucking toy too play with, what a country. You said 150 shipping, thats $150 from hongkong right?, What about when this gun makes it too retailers in the states. Also I guess your right about not worth anyones time, but with a pricetag of lets say $1500 Im still baffelled as too how anybody would want too spend $1300-1500 on a fucking systema, yet refuse too fork out for a beautifull Draganov by a company like RS that has proven its self wothy with their other guns. I dont know maybe im just Nieave, but I cant get my head around the idea of paying even $750(which I would) for this gun, when It didnt cost anywher near that much too produce.

Im really upset at the idea that even if one or two of this gun ever makes it too Canada it will cost $1500, $1500!! thats fucked, this gun better be able too blow me for that much money. we pay way too much for guns in canada, I think we in the Canadian Airsoft world have become so used too paying insane amounts of money on toys that cost fuck all too produce that $1500 does not even sound like alot of money, yet it is an insane amount of money considering what your getting, Shit you can buy a good real firearm for equal or less and a fucking toy that shoots plastic bbs costs 1500. Fuck im upset, the future looks bleek.
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