Originally Posted by Long_Bong
We have been using homemade nade at our indoor game for the last 2 games, no issue whatsoever, but we are relying on people judgement (ie, stay with small pyro, like respecting the 350 fps limit). And we do call them before hand. What I realize for having throw over 40 nades in 2 games is that 1) I suck at throwing so far (throwing under fire is not easy lol) 2) it is mostly useful for getting people to move out of position and then get shot by your buddie covering you while you thrown. I use the following receipe:
Paper cup (like at the dentist)
2 small firecracker (can t recall the name, red in color, 20$ for 100 down here)
0.12 BB
Bit of cheap masking tape
2 small firecracker improve bang happening, like having 2 engines on an aircraft, one could go down, but the other will bang
0.12 is light enuff for good spread, heavier pellet reduce blast radius from what I have seen
Video here, around minute 08:30
Small charges like that I would have no problems with... I've seen people using airbomb charges..
The entire building shook when those things went off.
Try using dried peas, they're lighter than .12 and they'll give you a much better radius.