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Old January 14th, 2009, 15:19   #28
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Being a SCAR head, I need to chime in here.

I've been interested in this rifle since it's conception. I'm a big fan of modern assault rifles.

I've handled every SCAR on the market, with the exception of the JLS (pretty much DBoys level).

I have 2 SCARs myself. A VFC SCAR CQC and a Classic Army SCAR CQC.

Having handled all of these AEG's, I must say, the range of quality from high to low is remarkable.

I won't let a DBoys NEAR my VFC. The CA is very nice, but nowhere near th VFC.

Please, oh please, wait for the MAGPUL branded one. I can see very poor moulding in those pictures. This is ACM.

If you want this insanely, orgasm inspiring assault rifle, I strongly suggest that you wait.

Maybe VFC will make one? If they do, buy it. If Classic Army makes one, buy it. But I would suggest you wait until there are comparison reviews.

This is just my two cents.

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