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Old January 13th, 2009, 10:29   #3
Red Wine & Adderall
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Originally Posted by SultanOfShwing View Post
Please let me preface this with an introductory "hello" everyone at Airsoft Canada.

Now lets get on to brass tax. I've been looking around at Canadian online retailers for AEGs. The M4 CQB from ( seems like great value for money based on my newbie eyes.

I've seen in some other posts that there are quality differences between the G&G M4 sold by 007Airsoft and the one sold by I think it was Mach1 Airsoft. I was wondering if anyone knows which version the M4 is.

This package seems to include everything I need to begin playing airsoft in a real game.

Would anyone familiar with this specific AEG or brand recommend it to a first time airsoft player?

I also welcome any other suggestions if this is not the best route to take for a first timer.

One a side note, I wish I could be age verified without going out to a game. I would really like to see the used marketplace to see if I can find something better in the used market. Oh well. Rules are rules.
I would probly put the quality of the buyairsoft one at the bottom of the list.
I have no actual evidence to prove that it is and none to prove that it isnt, something in the pit of my stomach just tells me that it is.

In regards to your request of which brand is most first timer friendly, I wish I could just spout you off a legitimate list, but as it stands the majority of it would be all opinion based.

Myself, I personally prefer Tokyo Mauri, the father of modern electric airsoft that we know today, good quality internals. Alot of models and high availability through this websites buy and sell section.

There are alot of brands out there, Classic Army, G&P, G&G, King Arms, JG and the list goes on and on and on. If I were you I would take sometime and skim through the internet and research up info and reviews on the brands and draw your own conclusions. Once you have formulated an opinion in regards to the companies you are interested in purchasing from then you can maybe consider taking that leap into purchasing your first gun.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; January 13th, 2009 at 10:48..
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