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Old January 12th, 2009, 23:34   #23
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Maybe their piping hot anger at being beaten to the punch, again, on airsoft versions of their own RS products will drive them to move faster in the future?
Well, they don't produce their own airsoft/PTS items (MIAD grips were made by MSInfinity, PMAGs by STAR and whomever, etc). I slightly suspect they COULD have had the airsoft version of the Masada/ACR out by now, but having it out before the RS version (where they do suffer horribly trying to get mass production off the ground; just look at the UBR stock) would most likely alienate their main market, whom already criticize them heavily for their involvement in airsoft items when production for real items is so far behind schedule (even though it's not being produced directly by them).

So this may well be a double whammy for Magpul, not having the ACR out, and having to hold off releasing the PTS version while the ACM version is poised to flood the market.

I find it doubly unfortunate that Magpul keeps their airsoft clients at such arms' length. It's clear they keep their ear to the ground, they knew about ACM Masada and other developments (I don't think they monitor their backwater, Liberal-leaning, Iraq-uninvolved neighbors up North here on ASC, but they do seem to follow what's going on at Arnie's). But they don't seem willing to put a rep out to develop ties with the community. They're a relatively small company, and they would probably benefit greatly from the "mom and pop shop" approach.

Last edited by Drake; January 12th, 2009 at 23:37..
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