Originally Posted by FlyGuy
Nice mental image you just painted there Stalker...thanks ever so much for that! Kinda like the mess Mercer left behind in the Falcon after the taping??  -LOL!
Lol, ya no shit! At least we have a couple high school students around here on co-op with the AMEs who had the pleasure of cleaning out the plane. Unless you have a younger brother to clean your gear and clothes after paintball.............. you are S.O.L!
Originally Posted by Cpt.Flan
Well that extra fat probably make him not feel the hits...

Rather reminds me of something I read in one of those kids dinosaur books years ago regarding the Bronosaurus, it had a small brain and because of it's size, it woud take a while for it to feel the pain of being bit in the tail due to distance the signal woudl take to reach the brain, so evolution developed a brain at the base of it's tail to ensure survival.................... maybe the obese guy's skin is so far away from his brain that he doesn't feel the hits? Maybe more brains need to develope in his body so they are close to the skin. Lol, I can't see evolution considering calling airsoft hits as 'survival'. Hahaha
And finally............Kip is obese? I thought he was just "big boned". Lol