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Old January 10th, 2009, 22:34   #29
Join Date: Dec 2002
Started out in paintball, played with a CCI Phantom (I actually speedballed with it once or twice, which lead to some absolutely fantastic moments and memories... "You shot me with THAT?!"). Taught me how to make fast and accurate snap shots. Sold it eventually to Gish actually.

Bought an AGD 68 Minimag that I still have in my room. It's tagged many a surprised player that's sniffed their nose at a paintball gun released from the 1990's, and I still break it out sometimes and head out to Cochrane to play some woodsball with whatever group that shows up. Sure you'll get the annoying kid now and then but for the most part the attitude of people showing up for woodsball is pretty good, even some hardcore speedball players tend to mellow out once you get there.

Moved onto airsoft, play airsoft more then paintball because of economic reasons (which looking back, makes no sense now since I've spent more money on airsoft then on paintball). Liked airsoft more because the guns were closer to counter strike. Grew up, now getting into real steel shooting.

Still don't understand why airsofters don't like paintballers and vice versa.
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