Originally Posted by mopic
... I think as long as people stay on FRS & GMRS channels, and stay at the half a watt setting I think we can all live with that.
Agreed. I don't have any particular problem with this philosophy provided people stick to it and stay out of the 430-450 MHz ham band until they become certified/licensed to operate there.
By the way Mopic, at what tx freq. did you measure the VSWR on your radio? If tested on multiple frequencies, was the 1.7:1 with the included antenna the worst case you observed across the entire range or just on the one freq. you happened to test? 1/4-wave duckie antennas are notorious for poor SWR performance which is one of the reasons why the final amp heats up so much...worse if you're transmitting too far off it's resonant frequency(s). You'd probably be better off using a 1/2-wave antenna -- check Diamond, Comet, MaxRad or Larsen's websites, I believe they have some that would fit.