well don't pain all larper's with the same brush that's what the Liebrals did with men who own guns those who didn't shoot 14 women and the one who did.
i enjoyed larping because it is being someone different the same reason many play airsoft.
idiots who larp in a grave yard are lame idiot's who knock over someone's head stone should be buried alive.
i am looking into go for my Pyro technicians permit but needless to say unless it was a very small group I'll always use Non pryo cause it wouldn't be fair to others for me to use the real explosive when they couldn't
none of the events i've been to would play at a grave yard they where likly a bunch of friends with a copy of Vampire the masquerade then any thing resembling reputable.
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?
Voting liberal or NDP and signing a petition to ban airsoft is the same thing.