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Old January 6th, 2009, 01:58   #15
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by jaoquinz View Post
Thanks guys. So lets see.. the only comp set that would look decent on my gun would be the PDI JB comp set for the 4.3. $160.. hmm.. What other options do I have?
That kit is not mounted to the outer barrel - it's mounted to the inner barrel (unless PDI has a 4.3 barrel mount now... last time I checked, they didn't).

If it's attached to your inner barrel, that does you no good, as the inner barrel being pulled forward does not equal the outer barrel being pulled forward.

Unfortunately, for the 4.3, there are very little options as far as adding a compensator...

The only other option I can think of is creating a sleeve at the end of your outer barrel, so that when the slide rams forward, it will strike that bushing to pull the outer barrel forward. The problem is finding a material that can hold up to the impact forces as well as finding a way to secure it to the barrel.

Originally Posted by jaoquinz View Post
I also thinking that I might be able to save the slide's damage a little bit, since I examine the lugs 3A and 3B, and they are not totally gone. 3A is shaved, while 3B has been etched in but there is still some material there. What if I put some epoxy there, or better yet put up some nylon plastic and superglue it to fill in the damage, and sand it smooth. Might not be a total fix, but at least any additional damage would be done to nylon plastic which I can easily replace. Would that be able to help?
If you don't mind the trouble of always going back to fix the damage, sure...

Originally Posted by jaoquinz View Post
Also, I haven't figured this thing out. How come the stock chamber works while the steel one doesn't? Is it a weight issue?
That... I can't fully answer. It could be a weight issue, it could also be the fact that steel is much stronger than aluminum. It's less brittle and can be harder. Put steel up against aluminum, and aluminum will almost always lose, unless you use some super soft untreated steel versus a treated and hardened aluminum (which isn't the case with airsoft materials.)

Originally Posted by jaoquinz View Post
Assuming that I haven't had damage to lugs 3A and 3B, have what I had done to the slide lugs 1 and 2 and to the chamber lugs been helpful at all, or did I not need to do all that work at all?
Hard to say. It might have done some good. It might not do anything at all. Hard to say.

Last edited by ILLusion; January 6th, 2009 at 02:04..
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