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Old January 5th, 2009, 22:46   #7
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by jaoquinz View Post
I'm confused though, how is my slide lugs destroyed? I chamfered them intentionally based on advice on the threads where people have been saying how they should be. Before I chamfered and smoothed the slide lugs, it was sharp at the edges of the lugs and the slide sould jam in a similar manner (as was my initial dilemma when I started this thread over a week ago and there was no response so I resorted to reading other threads on similar problems ie. simonyha's AS slide being damaged by the steel outer chamber as well.)

I'm still confused on how the bloody chamber interacts with the slide and why the PGC slide I bought doesn't work with the outer chambers, as I bought these based on information on the hi-capa list of upgrade parts that I studied meticulously before I spent my hard earned money on lemons.

I'm no way wiser than before to how it works, as if it was destroyed in its current state it's because I took a file to the slide lugs myself in an attempt to fix the initial problem of jamming.

As you can see, there are more than just the lugs you've worked on. Even that picture only indicates 4 lugs total. There are some slide manufacturers now that actually use 5 lugs, with the 5th one behind the arrow for Lug 3A, against the side wall of the slide.

Although you may have worked on Lugs 1 and 2, your image shows lug 3B as being destroyed. As far as lugs 1 and 2 are concerned, they have very little to no part in the forward part of the blowback/rechambering process, which is why chamfering lugs 1 and 2 yielded no change.
As far as I can tell from your photos, lug 3B has completely snapped off and that area is now flat. It even looks like damage is beginning to occur to your blowback chamber, because there is no longer any slide material to block the chamber from striking the legs of the blowback unit.
Without lug 3B, you will have a hard time getting your slide to push your chamber forward to bring it back up in to battery. As a result, the chamber is getting stuck under lug 3A, assuming 3A hasn't already been destroyed as well (can't tell from your photos).

Your PGC slide looks like it was never designed to take the 5th impact point, so as a result, there are no lugs left to push the outer barrel forward to initiate a proper rechambering action. This type of damage isn't something that is easily fixed. Because of the type of impact involved, it is very difficult to just add material in place. The only solution is to find another method to pull the outer barrel forward. As I mentioned, a compensator attached to the outer barrel is one such method to allow the slide to pull the outer barrel forward (rather than push it from behind.)

Last edited by ILLusion; January 5th, 2009 at 22:51..
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