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Old January 5th, 2009, 22:41   #1
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G&G M16 For 316$ a good deal?

Well if you have read some posts about me you probably know my friend has an JG m4 witch he bought on buyairsoft (dont comment)

Well he was tired of lending it to me so we could target shoot in his private woods so he dicied to buy a weapon that i could loan from him and do some target practice at his house

he came across again at buyairsoft they had a new line of weapons, the G&G series so i was wondering if first theres good internal parts stock will it last with good maintenance as long as his JG m4? and for the price is it a decent one?

thanks for all your time guys at airsoftcanada im stil a noob but when i get 18 ill start coming to the fields near ottowa and hook up with you guys 2 more years to go

EDIT: heres the link

And yes i did some research on this gun before posting i just want people i kind of trust more in the ASC comminity to post some awnsers instead of those americans witch owns guns a 5 yrs old....

Last edited by johjoh; January 6th, 2009 at 16:12..
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