Originally Posted by CerberusNet
I'll be getting guns without metal bodies and opac colored (see thru) bodies from Canada, only gear like vests helmets gloves etc and mags w/o ammo showing will be imported. So from what you're saying I won't need any other licenses if I keep to these plans? 
If that's the case, I don't see any issues. I've imported a crapload of gear, parts, mags, etc. for myself and our club and other than one gearbox shell, I never had an issue. The shell was seizes as a "replica firearm receiver" but I got it released about 2 months later. So unless you province and/or municipality needs something for this type of product (which I highly doubt), you should be good. Keep in mind that certain items from the USA may require an export permit but if you're importing from HK or China, you're ok.