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Old January 4th, 2009, 14:15   #6
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Red Deer, AB
Originally Posted by CerberusNet View Post
I'll be getting guns without metal bodies and opac colored (see thru) bodies from Canada, only gear like vests helmets gloves etc and mags w/o ammo showing will be imported. So from what you're saying I won't need any other licenses if I keep to these plans?
If that's the case, I don't see any issues. I've imported a crapload of gear, parts, mags, etc. for myself and our club and other than one gearbox shell, I never had an issue. The shell was seizes as a "replica firearm receiver" but I got it released about 2 months later. So unless you province and/or municipality needs something for this type of product (which I highly doubt), you should be good. Keep in mind that certain items from the USA may require an export permit but if you're importing from HK or China, you're ok.
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