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Old January 2nd, 2009, 05:55   #1
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Question MP5K holstering options

I've got an mp5k in the mail, primarily for cqb but if I can come up with a way to comfortably holster it I wouldn't mind using it as a sidearm for outdoor games. I'm not really considering a sling at the moment. The options are drop leg or shoulder holster. There are a couple of really old threads on the drop leg but nothing on the shoulder and the ones on the drop leg aren't very informative. So I figured I'd start a new thread. I'm looking for people with personal experience with either the drop leg or shoulder holsters. What little I've found seems to imply that the drop leg isn't the best for anyone but a sniper cause running isn't very comfortable but the sources weren't really reliable. Also, I'm a lefty, as far as I know the shoulder holsters are ambidextrous but I'm not sure if they make any lefty or ambi drop legs. Anyone with information about this please post.

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