Originally Posted by Vivisector
No offense, but you have no idea what you are talking about. I have a couple different authentic items that don't have this "mil-spec stamp". The fact that you call it Ukrainian Marine Camo instead of Ukrainian TTSkO really shows the lack of knowledge. You got a shit quality item, sure. It's authentic though.
EDIT: The more I think about it, the more I think that you received a factory second.
Uhm, the link he provided describes it as "Ukrainian Army Marine Spetsnaz Camo Uniform Suit BDU" so I'm pretty sure that's why he called it Marine.
Besides. I've dealt with a shit load of repo's. I have 4 Waffen SS kits. And my repo's re no where close to being THIS bad.
besides. if it's a manufacturer defect, it should be stated. But usually a good way to tell if its a repo is if they got colours wrong....not to mention the stitching and patches being on wrong.
But, its good that a retailer will correct their mistakes. I wanted some winter flora as well.