Originally Posted by dragwindsor
Who am I (or we) to determine what it will be used for?
Does FutureShop screen you to make sure you are a programmer, not a hacker?
Does Canadian Tire screen you to make sure that camo Krylon isn't for graffiti?
Probably not.
So If I want to sell an AEG, is there a standard interview process you can point me to so I can determine (judge) if you're eligible to own such a device?
holly crap, your logic is so flawed it makes my head hurt! you are compairing a perfect replica of a gun to a computer..... WTF is wrong with you.... just cuz we are still able to play and use our airsoft doesn't make it legal... selling any illegal item is... well illegal i cant understand how you are comparing the two!
sell on ASC verified section or go to a local event, maybe some one will be interested!
ignor dragwindsor, he is ignorant
personal note: never sell dragwindsor a gun.....