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Old November 24th, 2008, 20:31   #27
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Japan
Originally Posted by dragwindsor View Post
I have no judgement?

what did you guys have to do to buy your AEG's?

Did you go through some insane test's and such? Or did you get AV'd and bought online from ASC?

You must have instilled that natural trust between you and your retailer, right?

How did you guys prove you weren't going to something illegal?

Come on people! Answer me with something relevant. Don't dodge my queries. Tell me how you did it? Tell me how you screened the people who bought YOUR AEGs.

BTW.... I probably have most vested interest in this topic than anyone else.
When I meet people to age verify them I sit down and talk to them about what they know about airsoft and where they intend on playing.

the AV process is a little bit of a screen... It keeps the people that "want a gat for street cred" to a minimum.. The AV system and the prices of airsoft in Canada are like a filter... Some kid who just wants a gun to threaten his friends isn't gonna go through the process of getting AV'd and then pay all that money, where it would be easier (and most of the time probably cheaper) to just purchase an illegally stolen REAL gun.
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