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Old November 12th, 2008, 09:47   #1
Sim123456's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Laval
Thumbs up TSD Type 96 and review

Hi dear ASC members, I just passed through an order of the TeamSD Type 96. Let me start with I read many bads comment here on ASC for this canadian retailer, but I wanted to be my own judge, so I tried. From the online order to the airsoft, everythings went flawlessly. The guys at BuyAirsoft are professionnals and respectfuls. I received my order in less than 2 weeks, and everythings in it is top notch. At first I ordered the SD96B from Shootsoft, and if it wasn't for the month of waiting (20 workings days), I would have stay there but since BuyAirsoft could ship it withouth delay, I switched.

The only thing that I don't love about Shootsoft website is that prices are list in US currencies, wich is weird for a canadian retailer. So, for a 320$ rifle on shootsoft, you end up 360$+. For the same 320$ rifle on BuyAirsoft, you still end up with a 320$ canadian bucks.

The package is solid and discret (brown big box). The package is very heavy. Everything is as it say: aluminium bi-pod, scope, speed loader, sling etc. Mounting the gun is easy and the first thing you notice is how heavy it is :| And I like it, since I think that low weight airsofts feel like kid toys (disregard the fps they shoot).

The plastic quality of the ABS stock is medium/poor. It feel rough to the touch and the color is uneven. There are littles scratchs here and there, but nothing that a good paint can't cover up. As for a "low price" clone, I was still satisfy. All moving parts are lubed, wich is what I would have done myself. The aluminium barrel is good, but rough to the touch. The only ratel come from the front sling attaches.

The internal is mad mostly of plastic except for the steel cylinder and tapper head.

The bi-pod is cheap, but fit right on. The scope is good, since it comes with the gun, but I can't seem to be able to focus but since airsoft guns don't shoot for, it doesn't mind. The magazine fill very easily, clip easily. No problem with that.

For the performance test, I can tell that it is the strongest airsoft I have. It is said to be 465 fps with .20g bbs and most sellers claim it around 450-480fps. I did the "can test" bottom and top with no problem. And from a 10 meters distance, bbs goes through 1 can and hald an other. Power is not consitant.

This is a quick review so I didn't test the accuracy and reliability yet.

Last edited by Sim123456; November 27th, 2008 at 10:12..
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