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Old November 3rd, 2008, 09:37   #7
m102404's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Toronto
As said, you set your motor height too high when you put it back on.

To take the grip off (i.e. if you want to change the grip to a different style):
1. Remove the two screws (not the center one) and remove the motor plate/heatsink/grip cap.
2. Gently remove the motor leads (usually red first then black)
3. Remove the motor (it should pull straight might be a bit stuck, use pliers or and allen key to pop it out)
4. Remove the 2-4 screws at the bottom of the grip that screw it onto the mechbox.
5. The grip should pull straight down and off...don't yank it off or your motor connectors will catch and you'll break them.

To reassemble do the opposite.

Any time you change the gears, mechbox, grip or motor, you should readjust the motor height.

1. Screw the motor in all the way with the center screw/allen key (some are little allen screws, others are a bit screw)...just in, don't need to crush it in there (you've already done this).
2. Back the screw off a full turn.
3. Try a shot. (if it's still too tight and you hold the trigger down, you'll pop your fuse)
4. If it doesn't shoot go to 2, if it does continue
5. If it shoots but sounds "squealy"/harsh, continue backing off the screw 1/2 a turn. If it makes it worse, screw it in half a turn and continue.
6. Once it's shooting, continue adjusting the screw in smaller increments (i.e. 1/4 turn, and then just a little) until you get the quietest/deadest sound you can.
7. Fire the rifle on full auto for a short burst, then on semi for 3-4 shots (that will reset the piston)

* put a tiny drop of nail polish on the screw to hold it in place. It's common for a loose screw to back off and then you risk stripping your gears.

Best of luck,

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