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Old October 30th, 2008, 07:51   #40
A Total Bastard
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What I am enjoying is watching all those companies that bailed out of Ontario back to the US when our dollar went par, only to see it go back down again. We had several manufacturing companies in our town leave during the summer, citing the high Canadian dollar as the reason.

There are upsides for Canadians in all this. In some respects we've used the low Canadian dollar in the past to support inefficient manufacturing and business practices - many during the high dollar retooled, did staff adjustments, and now are able to function competitively dollar for dollar against foreign companies (read: US, Japan). Now with the dollar having an 18% advantage on the foreign market, those companies will now reap the benefit - particularly against those bailers who are still amortizing their moving costs back to the US. I always enjoy watching a lack of loyalty be rewarded so handsomely.

Don't worry folks, stock up on commodity stocks at bargain prices, its likely the last time you'll see the likes of RIM, Potash, or other Canadian bluechips available with so much room to gain before you retire. I have some cash coming in in the next 30 days and I am hoping we haven't hit bottom yet - I'd like to go shopping.
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