Thread: M14 stuff
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Old October 26th, 2008, 18:53   #10
The Saint
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
the selector that you hear about is actually the selector arm that is located inside the mechbox. is isn't that fragile. its real weakness is seen when you take apart your M14, that is when it is most likely to break.
Are you guys talking about the cut-off lever? That thing doesn't break, it gets worn down with semi-automatic use. You don't really need to replace it until it fails, if it fails at all.

I recommend going with Amos' suggestions. Beware that TM14 has a really tight battery compartment, and that it's normal for people to cram the battery in and leave it in when charging. The 8.4v 3300mah Intellect Amos mentioned is probably your best choice, you don't need 9.6v.

And he's also right that you'll need more mags. TMs are the best, but only available in locap. I'd recommend staying away from G&P, I've personally experienced and heard nothing but bad things about G&P's M14 mags. KA's M14 are ok, but can have some issues that require some light modification to fix.

For ammo, use 0.25g, because 0.28g is too hard on the fps for stock guns.
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