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Old October 25th, 2008, 10:11   #25
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Update: RA-TECH GHK AKS74U Test Review
YouTube - RA-TECH GHK AKs74U test reveiw

"johnny" with RATECH had the following observations while testing the AKS74U.

Originally Posted by johnny
RA-TECH GHK AKs74u test review .

After we have tested this gun, there are two weakness as a result.
1 Because of plastics of mags body, it need some time to recover temperature(about 20minute) maybe prepare several mags can solve this problem
2 No bolt stop function. Although the real gun don`t have this function it would make it harder to know when your mag is empty.

The happy news is as follows
1. The dry fire voice is so nice
2. The bolt move very smooth
3. Didn't obviously need to be upgraded , unless you want to prepare some mags.

They have two type mags normal and light power, in the video they use light power type mags and green gas.
If still too fast you can use the 134a that would be less the 330 fps.
Next time we will test the normal mags.
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