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Old October 25th, 2008, 08:52   #10
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by Amos View Post
CNC versus Cast...

Cast stuff has MANY imperfections in the metal where CNC has very few...

CNC will be MUCH stronger... not to mention the tolerances will be much, much tighter.

Yes, I'm aware of the difference, thank you.

Cast or Cast+CNC finished parts are extremely common in the airsoft world, probably the most common for metal parts. Some like Guarder, KA and VFC are very good quality, some like second tier Chinese products are very poor. The difference between a GP or Guarder aluminum die-cast receiver and a DBoys white metal cast receiver is night and day.

I've seen (and own) VFC (formerly GB-Tech) products, the quality of their aftermarket products has never come into question. So I have some faith in what they're putting out.

That being said, it's quite possible the CNC'd version will be nicer. But the difference will be small enough to not warrant the almost double pricetag, specially given Canadian markup, and specially since part of that price comes from additional components I'll be buying elsewhere (namely a stainless chamber & barrel).

@Beazer: I don't think I could go back to plastic now. It's just not the same. Whatever plastic I have left has fallen into disuse and I'm finding myself slowly selling it all off, minus a few exceptions where it doesn't matter too much or where there's enough metal for me not to notice too much.

Last edited by Drake; October 25th, 2008 at 08:55..
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