Originally Posted by ancorp
RPKs use 1000m sights, have yet to see one with 800m
Early East German issue. Has red markings instead of the white you see on Russkie 1000m. Friend brought a couple back in the late 80's when he was stationed in Lahr, or Baden as souveniers. I've been trying to get them from him ever since lol.
Originally Posted by ancorp
the PDI Long outer barrel set is not as long as a real RPK barrel, says its only 550mm on Redwolf.
PDI's own website says it's 590....PDI also ffers a 595mm tightbore specifically for the long AK outer barrel set.
Profile's not perfect, but I am not a machinist not do I have access to a mill/lathe, so it's a close as I'm gonna get.