Thread: G&G SCAR
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Old October 8th, 2008, 19:23   #11
Phil_Black's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Saguenay QC
I do have a G&G Scar-L

All thing are good about this AEG.

Weight is well ballenced. The body is very well made no peices are mooving around and making noise.

This monster was shooting a 400 fps out of the box.

The inner barrel is good but i did feel like i needed to changed it to Ã* Madbull tight bore (custom cut)

You will have to run this AEG on a 9.6 V batterie of curse it will make the job on a 8.4 but that is no match for that big spring.

The hopup is a clear plastique one peice unit. That it's actually bolted on the body so the hop is not mooving and it's really does the job to hold the barrel. It's a standard m4 type hop but it's staying tune and i dont have to play with it often.

The bucking and the sleeve are the new type from G&G , they are green and suppose to stay soft as low as -40.

You will have a 24k Gold-Plated power connection and silver plated electric wire.

the charging handell can be catch reward.

Second edition gear reinforce up to 30% (so gear are stronger)

one peice outer barrel.

The gear box is well built and the selector switch is different form a standard V2 mech. The gears are monted on 7mm bering bushings.

This AEG is really a beast really good in a outdoor environement and easy to go in tight spaces with the folding stock.

This is my primary weapon and i was never let me down.

I hope this help you decide witch brand to buy.

One note is that the upper reciver is scratching easyly but this is only happening at the sling attachement point.
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