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Old October 2nd, 2008, 12:37   #4
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Originally Posted by Shrimpcraft View Post
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any problems buying stuffs from AI before because I ordered the propane adaptor kit almost two and a half weeks ago and still hasn't received it yet. Last week, they sent me an email saying I gave them the wrong emt password when I clearly followed their website instruction to put in the correct emt password before sending. Now I've send another two more emails to re-confirm and do follow ups and never heard from them since.

Are there anyways I can contact them elsewhere or even here because I heard some of them lurks around this forum.

Thanks all!
Are your initials DW? We don't know what pword you used because it isn't "gungas" which is the usual pword we ask that our EMT paying customers use.

Fly 9: When did you place your order? My shipping help was making a mistake in processing orders which I thought I managed to fix for orders that got messed up in the past couple weeks. PM me your transaction ID number and I'll look into it.

Sorry all. Back to school right when we opened international wholesales of grenades threw us for a loop. I'm still trying to clear up all the mess.
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