[...] Systema Magnum [...]
Sadly that wouldn't be the first Systema Magnum problem I have heard of. I hate to say something like this but I'm glad I don't have one. On Airsoft Mechanics some fellows far brighter than myself have spent a lot of time dissecting the Magnums and no one's impressed with them for a variety of reasons.
But just to give some news regarding the
Trigger Master,
I have just released the Trigger Master Mark II!
Harder, better, faster, and stronger -- with more features and new firing modes. Here is a re-post of some info in the
For Sale thread:
- Better burst timing adjustment so that bursts can be manually tweaked lower... making 2-round bursts possible (should one wish to emulate a real UMP for example.)
- Bursts complete even if trigger released early! (You do need to hold down the trigger for at least 1 shot. If you do, the rest of the burst will complete.) ;D
- Vibration feedback for configuration/programming mode. Each trigger pull has a vibration to go with it (so you can feel that your trigger pulls were "heard" and were registered.) I personally find this really helpful.
- Added a parameter to configuration mode: 6 vibrations is "Active Braking enable/disable". Pull trigger once=AB on. Pull trigger twice=AB off. Do nothing = no change. (Someone may wish to turn AB off/on for whatever reason, possibly to troubleshoot something - so I added it in.)
- Since 6 vibes is "AB enable/disable", FACTORY RESET has been moved to 7 vibes (it used to live at the 6-spot.)
- NEW Firing modes added to "Firing Mode" option in configuration:
4 trigger pulls = Burst Only (no rollover to fullauto if trigger held. This is not NEW, but I found it easier to make it a selectable firing mode.)
5 trigger pulls = Sniper/DM mode (semi-only with forced 1 second dead time between shots, simulated delay due to recoil and careful aim.) Mostly useful as an additional handicap for AEG Sniper/DM guns to allow higher FPS limits (some people don't think semi-only is much of a handicap.) This mode is available to semi-locked units.
- Programming changes so that SEMI-LOCKED units installed into fullauto-only guns (e.g. M249) should "just work" (This is not the case with the default code.) This allows our friends in places like New Zealand (where full-auto Airsoft guns are not legal) to use the M249 or any other full-auto only gun!
- In addition to the above, for SEMI-LOCKED units on fullauto-only guns (e.g. M249), the programming mode option for "Burst Time Increase/Decrease" becomes used to manually tweak the duration of single shots. (Basically, on a full-auto only gun SEMI-LOCKED units are firing 1-shot bursts.) Without semi-auto functionality in the mechbox, the unit cannot auto-detect and train itself for a gun's timing... The default timing values built in should work well enough, but the option is now there to fine-tune it should a person wish to do so.
bad news is that due to higher parts costs the price has gone up. Kits are now 88$ CDN each.
It's unavoidable, but to make it up to you, you now get more for your money. In addition to the added features listed above:
- FREE Dean's plugs connector kit is now included with every unit. A 12$ value! (This alone makes the cost comparable to the old units)
- FREE motor connectors for AEG motors! I have finally sourced some of these, and I include two pairs FREE with every kit: one pair of straight connectors and one pair of angled so you can match ANY style you need for your gun. People really wanted these before, and now they are free!
- A full color reference sheet for all parts and wiring necessary is included. Better labeling is also done on the units. (Download it)
- The full documentation and installation guide is now included as a booklet with a quick-reference for advanced configuration options. (This was previously a download-only PDF not included in the kits.) Download it