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Old September 24th, 2008, 12:19   #13
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Alberta
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
It's general practice to be adding silicone oil to the propane adapter every 8-9 magazine fills anyways, so it makes your suggestion moot.
Understood... but if one is like me, one would often forget to add the oil. :wink:

Which lead me to my segue: does anyone know what the ratio of oil to gas is in Green Gas, and if there is anything else besides the silicone oil added? I tried to work out the ratio from the instructions that came with my adapter. I can't find all the calculations right now, but after weighing mags empty and then full, using 4 mags to obtain an average weight of gas, applying the oiling instructions, and calculating for a larger volume, I ended up with a ratio of one approximately one ounce of silicone oil for eight pounds of propane.
I may be right out to lunch, but this does not seem like much oil to me...

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