Thread: style of play
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Old September 12th, 2008, 15:24   #5
Brian McIlmoyle
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Originally Posted by SigmanXT View Post
hey guys im new to airsoft (im still waiting for my first gun in the mail)

so im wondering about different styles of play because i have one in mind.
what i mean by style of play is how you would react during different situations, maybe there is somthings u like to do in a game that gives u a thrill(ex throwing your aeg away in the middle of a game and playing with your side arm just for fun) anything at all that is unique to you and adds to your style of play. so im wondering do people do that?

the reason im asking is because i fear that when your in a team they might not like you dressing differently and playing differently.

im also wondering what kind of unique styles people have so please share
There are 2 styles of play, Effective and Ineffective Most people start out ineffective and become effective as they gain experience with what works and what does not. You can try to figure this out for yourself.. or you can learn from people that are already effective.

If you are dressing differently and playing differently than your team... then you are not really on the team then are you?

You don't have to be on a team to play.. most players are not on teams.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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